
81 Self-Discovery Questions to ask yourself

Do you want to embark in a journey for you to develop yourself and know more about yourself? This is the right post for you!

There is literally 3 months to finish the year and in these last 3 months, we can do many things to become the best version of ourselves. However, that does not come without self-analysis and time with ourselves to understand with CLARITY where we are and where we want to go. This only happens when we ask deep questions to ourselves.

When we ask questions, we are able to open different doors, acquire different visions, new perspectives, and consequently, the new life we are looking for. Looking within and finding the right answer to our questions will allow us to be in the right framework to focus on what we want with sincerity.

Asking myself those questions and answering them with honesty truly allows me to start over, which is something all of us CAN!

How do you get to know yourself?

The answer is exactly the same way that we get to know people; When we want to know someone, we talk with them, spend time with them, ask mini-questions, and after a while feel confident in asking deeper questions… we have to do the same when getting to know ourselves. We have so many things to do, and are busy with so many responsibilities, that sometimes we do for others what we don’t do for ourselves.

Have your answers recorded in a book (or notion online for those that like to type); Sometimes we think we know the answer to the question we are asking, however, when we write things down, more thoughts and more ideas come to mind, and what we knew, we end up finding out we didn’t know that well. Believe me, this happens to me all the time!

Having this in mind, we can separate time to write. Either 10 minutes in the morning, at night, or at whatever time is convenient to you.

You can pick a question for the week, or you can make it a daily habit and by the end of the month, you will be able to see how much you know about yourself.

Let me know how it goes on my social media with a Private Message tag – #GettingToKnowMyself

81 Self-discovery questions:

  1. When was the last time I’ve gone outside of my comfort zone?
  2. What does my perfect day look like?
  3. Where do I like to work and what kind of work will I be doing?
  4. What special gift do I have that I can give the world?
  5. Who are the three people you love the most in the world?
  6. What does success mean to you?
  7. What do you like the most about yourself?
  8. Can I improve on any of my daily habits? How?
  9. What are 3 negative mindsets I need to let go of?
  10. What have you learned this year, and how will it help you in the future?
  11. What does your dream life look like?
  12. How do I define ‘having fun’?
  13. Name a song that best describes you or your life?
  14. Write about an opportunity that you missed. What would you do differently next time?
  15. Write about the time that you felt truly loved and valued.
  16. What makes me upset?
  17. How would you define yourself as a person?
  18. What will I accomplish next year?
  19. What is one piece of advice I’d give my future self?
  20. How can I love myself more daily?
  21. How do you practice self-love?
  22. Name 3 habits that you would like to quit
  23. Name 3 habits that you would like to start
  24. What characteristics do you look for a friend?
  25. What do you do when you feel down or sad? Do you cheer yourself up?
  26. What steps can I take to be the most confident version of myself?
  27. How can I show others more love and compassion each day?
  28. What does an ideal evening look like to you?
  29. Name 3 countries you would want to visit.
  30. What are the biggest challenges you faced in life?
  31. If I could relive one moment what would it be?
  32. How could I describe a perfect day?
  33. What is most important to me?
  34. How do you feel when you say no to someone’s request?
  35. How do you express gratitude?
  36. What drives you more? The reward or the consequences?
  37. Who inspires me the most and why?
  38. What do I forgive myself for?
  39. What am I leaving in the past?
  40. What are my top priorities?
  41. What are my goals for next month?
  42. How do you deal with negative emotions?
  43. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  44. What do you like to do in your free time?
  45. List your 3 greatest strengths
  46. What calms you down when you are angry?
  47. List all your accomplishments, no matter how small they seem to you.
  48. How did your parent’s relationship impact your view about love and relationships?
  49. When was the last time that you gave up on a goal? Why did you give up?
  50. When faced with hard conversations, how comfortable are you? Do you feel the need to change the topic or walk away from the person?
  51. How often do you apologize even if it’s not your fault?
  52. What do you do to overcome laziness?
  53. What are you afraid to do and why?
  54. What are the 3 things you are passionate about?
  55. If you were given a million dollars, what would you do?

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I won’t spam you, I promise 😋.

For those that want to go a little bit deeper:

  1. Do I take the time to really listen to what others are saying?
  2. Am I aware of my purpose in life?
  3. Do I tend to judge others?
  4. Is there anyone I should spend more or less time with? Why?
  5. Do I value what others do for me?
  6. Am I committed to myself?
  7. Is there anyone I hate or resent? How are these emotions useful to me?
  8. How do I feel about my mother? About my father? About my stepmother?
  9. Am I too controlling? Do I trust people?
  10. Am I trying to improve and develop professionally?
  11. In which area of my life do I feel most vulnerable?
  12. Do I know where my money is going?
  13. How do I define success?
  14. Have I created an effective time management system for myself?
  15. What do I want?
  16. Do my beliefs serve me well?
  17. Am I allowing myself to make mistakes?
  18. Am I constantly stuck in my past?
  19. Do I let other people’s negativity affect me?
  20. Am I postponing things?
  21. Am I easily offended?
  22. What do I tolerate, and what do I agree with in silence?
  23. Why do you I get out of bed every morning?
  24. Is my personality still evolving?
  25. What is the happiest memory of my childhood? What makes it so special?
  26. Am I authentic? Am I letting myself be me? Am I trying to be someone I really am not?

Don’t forget to share with my how was this journey for you 🙂

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