What would you define as being a successful woman?
And what makes her different from the others?
Some might credit their success to what they have conquered and their lifestyle, others by being born on a “golden spoon”, and some others will say by luck. However, only when you are close to one will you understand that they don’t follow the crowd, neither complain about their situations but find a solution to resolve it.
In a nutshell – They do things differently, as hard as it may be.
We all have goals, but what stops us from achieving those goals?
Setting a goal is the easiest, but pursuing it every day it’s the hardest.
For successful women is not only about what they do, but also about who they are and the attitude they show up with. To reach that, you need to work on yourself.
Here are 8 habits we should develop to reach our goals and be successful in life!
1. Judgment and failure
I can speak from experience, that one of the things that hold people the most is the fear of failing and being judged. Whether based on our childhood or throughout our teenage years, we get this idea from society that we need to be accepted because we see what was done with people that were rejected, and directly or indirectly this idea was established in our minds.
We also get this idea when we are young that “we are good”, and I understand, that there are very nice people in this world, but this also brings the impression that we need to be perfect, we cannot do anything wrong or have any mistake, and this is unrealistic!
Everyone has their flaws and not everyone is 100% good. We have our dark side as well, is just that some control it better than others; the one you feed the most is the one that will be stronger, but it does not mean that it is not there. This perspective of “I am the good one” can make us terrified of failing. But successful people also fail, is life! We should know how to handle our failures, do better next time, and move on.
We need to change the way we see failure, instead of being afraid of failure, we should see failure as a learning experience that will help us reach success, instead of focusing on how that will determine our worth.
2. Successful Mentors
If you want to succeed with people who are more than happy to be unsuccessful, YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT IT.
You will not be able to learn anything with someone poor-minded, or on the same level as you. (Sorry, but it’s the truth.)
I said poor-minded, and not poor financially. It has nothing to do with their financial circumstance at the moment.
If you want to be successful, you have to be with successful people; someone that was in your place, but was able to succeed.
If you are not interested in learning and developing yourself throughout the years, also Forget it! Success can be conquered today, but you have to conquer tomorrow, it’s never an ending thing, and for that, you have to always continue to do more and better. The moment you stop is the moment you won’t improve in anything you do.
3. Do not listen to everyone
This simple means: don’t take advice from people who aren’t successful!
I said it. Yes.
There’s a big difference between someone who is not successful yet, but they are working towards it. And someone that is not successful, but it’s not trying to be.
As you work on this path of being successful, you will find millions of people advising things they never done or simply were not successful when they tried.
As you would never listen to that friend who is always breaking up in her relationships and her love life is upside down, don’t listen to people who are not trying to reach success. The same works towards people who never had a business, or were never able to maintain one.
Some people are not successful, but they are very successful in their minds. They might not have a business or be billionaires, but in their simple life, they are very successful. They always have an inspirational word to give you, and always very wise in what they say. I have found people like that and always keep them close.
4. Always placing limits
Our mindset is the most powerful thing we have to reach success and guess what? Is free. We don’t need to pay anything to have our minds working. Even though people before believed in external success, people nowadays are no longer deceived by it.
As successful as you have to be on the outside, you have to work on the inside as well, otherwise, your life will reflect the lack of care you have with taking care of your inside world. In the same way, if you don’t believe you can be successful, you will sabotage yourself on the path to reach it. So what profit does it have?
the subject of the mind is very interesting; If you have a goal, your mind has 2 parts that are already working – your conscious and your subconscious.
Your conscious is going to work out everything it can to make the business work the best way possible, including different ideas, things that can be done, etc.
Your subconscious is processing the desire you had in your goal together with your belief system.
But we have an enemy – Our thoughts. (Or should I say: thoughts that come to our mind?)
If you had a past like most of us have, some of the thoughts that will cross your mind, will be:
“you are not going to be able to make it”
“You will always have an average life”
“You will never earn more than the minimum wage”
“It’s too hard and complicated”
As you start taking steps toward your goal, you will find resistance from your thoughts as they will start placing you down.
So it is very important to fight against these thoughts so we can push ourselves forward and stop self-sabotaging.
5. Tell me who you walk with, and I will tell you who you are
Have you ever listened to this? Even though this can be controversial, if you pay close attention it has truth in it. We are human beings that are very influential, we can influence each other a lot. Even though someone might say “No, I don’t get influenced”. You do, is just that you never stop to think about it.
Not long ago, there was a famous cute trend on TikTok, where curly-haired girls started to show more items that can be used on our hair, like a bow or a pink lace, etc. I had only seen these things on TikTok, but now? A few months have passed and I see everyone wearing it, every time I leave the house, I see someone with a bow or a pink lace. Why? Because they were influenced.
Of course, this was something good, being more feminine and cute, it’s good! but imagine it was something bad? It takes a strong mind to not be influenced like that because the tendency is to follow.
So if we are unconsciously imitating other people, imagine now hanging around people that don’t add to your life? People that are not self-motivated, people that don’t want to do better in life and only complain? However, if you place an effort to spend time with people who are driven and inspiring, will you not get some traits of them as well? The positive attributes and qualities will start to catch on you too!
So, let’s not be naive with the type of people we have around us, but let’s choose wisely who we associate ourselves with.
No, I am not saying for you to start ignoring all people in your life. But if there is a specific friendship that came to your mind while you were reading this, why not watch that friendship carefully from now on and start seeing if it’s truly benefiting you?
6. Quiet times
We are so busy that it’s normal for us to be always active, always doing something. However is rare times we have silence or are more relaxed.
Ideas can come to us at any time of the day, but sometimes it’s good to have a moment with your thoughts and see what more inspirations we can have.
You know those conversations you have with yourself? You are speaking out loud like you are speaking with someone, but there’s no one in the room. Yes, sometimes we need to voice it out so our thoughts can collect themselves. This is also the best time to have ideas and inspirations. So make time for this, either when you wake up, or when you go to sleep, once a week, while you making food or in the shower, you choose.
7. Get comfortable, uncomfortable
This can be one of the scariest things; when we start a new job we are very uncomfortable at the beginning because in our minds we think we don’t know anything, we are going to fail, and we are not going to do it right! But when we finish, we see that we have learned much more or knew much more than we thought.
This is also the same it happens in being successful; when we start to want to leave our comfort zone, it seems very scary, we immediately think we don’t know anything, and we are going to fail, but as soon as we get started and become more consistent, we start to see that is not as bad as we imagine.
Challenges? Many!
But we start to grow stronger through each one of them, and consequently better at leaving our comfort zone.
To be successful we cannot continue being in our comfort zone, we have to leave. And the sooner we get that, and make actions towards it, the sooner we will see the benefits it brings. When we resist that, we become stuck, and that happens many times.
Look for small things you can do that are new to you and your routine. Don’t start with something big that you won’t be able to get done, but start small. This process is not about what you can get, but about taking small actions that will amount to big results.
8. Remove “GIVE UP” from your dictionary
For you to reach anything in life, you can’t give up.
As hard as it might be or as lost as you might have become, you can’t give up.
When I was young, I used to watch famous people describing their journey and how they became successful, and if you stop to watch any of those videos, you will see that almost all of them started with something wrong. Some started well, but along the way, something bad happened. This happens every time; before success, we have to have a challenge we need to face; and most of the time is a difficult one. So if we give up in the face of hard situations, how will we reach the end goal?
Even though this was placed last, in reality, this is one of the most important habits we should have, because if you are the type of person who always gives up on what we started, there’s work to do.
You may be reading this and saying to yourself “I never give up” but think again.
We think of giving up on big things, but how about the smallest things?
We will never be able to find our flaws if we look at something and we suppose we don’t do it, we have to investigate our lives and see if, in reality, we have not been giving up.
So double-check!