
Breaking all the myths about Relationships (and love life) + TIPS!

Breaking all the myths about relationships (and love) + tips

If you clicked on this blog post is because you also want to know about all the myths in relationships and what entails. And so did I when I heard about this topic, so best assure you are not alone!

The reason why I am making this blog post is because I believe we should all be aware of such myths so we can eliminate them from our daily routine, and implement new habits and routines that will guide us to invest in our love life.

So yes! This is for singles! But, if you are in a relationship don’t skip this as you might find interesting myths that you yourself have about your relationship.

couple in a relationship
Couple in a Relationship

Now a days, there’s so many myths about dating someone, how to find the right person, and I am sure you can image other topics in your mind now – THE LIST IS LONG!

The same way, dating has generated different meanings in our society. Dating now can be called ‘crush’, ‘temporary dating’, ‘one night stand’, ‘staying together’, etc. (The list is also very big here…)

So dating in fact has become very difficult to understand, due to the various meanings people are giving to what shouldn’t be complicated at all. The way you are and the way you see the world and relationships is very important when talking about your love life.

So, lets jump right in:

(Speaking bad about all singles)

I am sure we all have heard in the past:
‘Oh because women are like this’ or
‘Men are like that’

There is always someone that complains about this. However, if this is how you see the opposite sex, how can you begin a relationship? This idea that all the man/women are the same NEEDS TO STOP. Not only because it’s misleading, but because it’s not TRUE. You are saying that in exactly 8 billion people, all the men are the same? It doesn’t take you long to realize that this statement cannot be true.

In the same way, you need to stop complaining (not only about your love life but in general too…) ’Single people suffer because they do not have anyone’ This is such a negative comment. How do you expect people to want to know you like this? if you always complain and saying negative stuff? No one wants to be close to someone who always complains, or is always being negative…

Being Negative + Always complains + Speaks negatively = ???? (you know the answer)

You do the maths, or what I call LIFE MATHS… What would a normal person think? Will an individual want to stay with someone so negative by their side? Would you, yourself, want to be close to someone like that?

If you don’t add anything, how can someone want to be with you? And this goes the same when you post things on your social media, if the vibe is always negative, posts are always complaining about something, or saying something bad that has happened in your day consistently, how do you expect to attract nice people?

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The law of attraction also works this way:
You need to be nice to attract what is nice.

If I want to have a relationship with someone, I have to be someone nice! I need to be someone who adds to people around me, not the opposite. Of course, we cannot go by the mouths of other people, however, sometimes we need to pay attention to the vibe we give to people around us.

To conclude:
That’s not true, and you know it.

(Post whatever you want on your social media)

Today, when we want to know more about a person, we look at their social media, so social media has become a portfolio of people. What does this person think, do, etc… it’s all displayed in their social media. If someone wants to get some information about you, be sure that they will check your social media (hence why some people put their social media on private, when it allows them to do so.)

An employer does the same, every time they want to know something about you they go to your social media. It is proven that employers do this!

If your social media is like a portfolio, you can imagine how some portfolios are not up to date, and others are badly presented. Some are in good condition, but not all.

If you have your social media, with selfies of you from all angles… but nothing is interesting, there is nothing that shows who you are or what you like, then you can consider this a bad portfolio.

Another example is:
They go and post the nails they have done, when they know that their feet or nails are not done properly – this is a disadvantage for you. If you know your feet is not that beautiful (if you know… you know) then why put this on your social media where everyone is going to be able to see? Especially when you don’t have control over WHO sees it!

This is just one example… but some social medias have not been considered as a portfolio, otherwise, the content posted would be considered properly as its a reflection of you!

YES! Men also have their flaws, don’t think that is just women because men do this too. Sometimes they go there, wake up, and take a selfie that… you know… (if you don’t wake up like a prince, then you don’t need to be posting anything in the morning – JUST A TIP).

Another example is when people put their social media in private, however, how can people reach you if they cannot enter into your ‘life’? Of course, do what you believe is best for yourself, but consider these things.

Also, If there are too many pictures of your dog, then let there be fewer photos of him and more of you; what do you want people to know about you? That you are someone happy? So let it represent that… If you have friends, put their pictures, if you want people to know, then let people know…

Don’t be afraid to talk, to let people know you, and to know other people.

To conclude:
This is mentioned so we can pay attention to what we place on social media. I am not saying for you to be fake and now start posting things that have nothing to do with you, just to impress. NO! Be real, be transparent but with good sense, and be intelligent in what you publish on your social media.

(If you are speaking with them, you are dating or in a situationship with them)

Who had this idea that when you speak with someone you are dating them? NO! NO! NO! Imagine you are dating everyone you speak to… we would all have a lot of boyfriends then…

When you meet someone new there is a process (or at least, there should be…). You start with a friendship, SPEAKING, however, this does not mean that when you speak to someone you will continue to speak with them or even date them.

  • Don’t be afraid to talk with someone who speaks with you out of interest.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak with someone else, because knowing someone involves communicating with them.

If you don’t communicate you reduce your chances of allowing people to know you. Plant your seeds through communication. The one that is not seen is forgotten, and that’s the truth, if you are hiding yourself then there is no one going to be able to see you (or speak with you).

If you are in your 30s/40s

MAKE IT EASIER for your love life.

Especially those that are of an advanced age, sometimes you might be thinking
‘Oh, but I am old, I don’t have no one that interests me’

You should be the one doing more in regards to your love life. An 18-year-old young girl can say ‘Oh, when it the time, it will happen’ because THEY ARE STILL YOUNG, but if you are in your 30s/40s you cannot do the same! Neither you should think that you are too old to restart your love life, but you have to do MORE!

Sometimes, this is the problem; instead of doing more, you start giving up on finding the suitable person for you because you think you are too old and this is not an option anymore. But you make it difficult when you give up on your love life just because of these thoughts or because of the bad experiences you had.

Some people will misinterpret the concept of doing more, but what I mean by that is: DON’T SIT DOWN AND COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR SITUATION, but DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE IT. Because no one is too old to find love.

Let’s do an UPGRADE on ourselves for this year of 2024!
DON’T BE A VICTIM, but do your PART!

and don’t forget… what you plant you ripe!

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