This New Gen Z era has created this beautiful concept of romanticizing your life; and if you do it the correct way, it can indeed bring you a lot of benefits!
But what it is to romanticize your life? And why should you do it?
Romanticizing your life is all about positive character energy and seeing everything as beautiful, no matter how simple or ordinary it is! Sometimes with how busy we can become throughout the day, it is very hard to take our time to enjoy the world around us, and the activities we have the opportunity to do, be it more pleasant or not.
So here it is some benefits you should take into consideration when romanticizing your life:
- It can be a great way to teach you how to be more optimistic about your life; this can be in hard situations or good ones.
- You also learn to appreciate each day of your life and be grateful.
- It teaches you to disconnect from social media and avoid this sense of multitasking all the time making you free to do each task in its own time.
- It teaches you to be more mindful in everything you are doing and be more aware of the situations around you.
Here are some simple steps you can add into your life, to exercise this every day!
1. Enjoy Your Own Company
You might like to do tasks with your friends and family, but sometimes it’s good for you to be able to do things yourself. Everything needs balance; are you the type of person who is always alone? doing things by yourself? Maybe you lack adding a friend into your life and begin to do a few tasks with a friend you trust. However, if you are the opposite, always having people close to you and never alone, consider having a time or a few hours a day to yourself. Either to think about your life, to do a reflection on your progress, or to develop a new skill, all of this is important.
2. Give A Gift To Yourself
It sounds basic, but it’s very rewarding! We all love to give gifts to other people, but, we never have the same ideas when we think about ourselves, not even on OUR BIRTHDAY! Having time to walk into a flower shop and buy some flowers for yourself is never a stupid idea. And we can never forget about the clothes we always have in mind to buy but never bought it!
Gift yourself with it!
3. Surprise Someone Close To You
There is no better feeling than to make someone close to you happy! So doing this from time to time is a MUST! Big or small what matters is being able to make someone you consider HAPPY. Also keep in mind that when you give you receive, so as much you are giving, it will be giving back to you much more.
4. Kitchen Time
Believe it or not, cooking is one of the great ways for us to stop and focus on the beauty of making food. Some call it relaxing, and some enjoy it more than others. But when you find a food you like, and start making it, it’s the best feeling ever. For me? I love baking cakes, and every time I have time, I like the process of doing them, and the process of decorating as well. So try it yourself, either making a cookie, brownies, or any other thing you have in mind.
5. Nature
Being in nature is one of the best things you can do from time to time. If you live in a city or close to a city, you will see that you don’t have much time to enjoy nature, as they are more far away from your reach. However, walking on the beach, staying outside in the sun, or going to a farm or park is one of the best sensations ever, it brings you those ‘’relaxation’’ moments we all need after a long day. Once a month, at least, we should look to have more activities with nature.
6. Celebrate Your Achievements
It is normal when we succeed in something for us to be happy. But it is rare the times that we celebrate it. And we do this every time! We tend to celebrate big commemorations, like graduating but we would never do such commemorations if we got a new job, for example. Our mindset needs to shift and we need to understand that big or small victories ARE VICTORIES! So we should implement a way to celebrate them.
7. Self-Care
This will very much be different for everyone, but I truly believe that once a week we should have time to pamper ourselves! Maybe doing a bath, or skin routine, or listening to chill music while we journal, all of this is good not only for our outside but also for our inside. We need to take care of both! It’s very important for us to have a time where we stop everything, and just think. Or even better; Stop everything and do nothing for 5-10 minutes. It’s all we need sometimes to recharge our batteries again.
8. Talk To A Stranger
I know, I know!
Our parents always told us not to speak with strangers, but when we are adults and can manage conversations, it’s good. Being able to know people’s thoughts about a specific subject, and listening to them talk, sharing ideas, etc are such good experiences that from time to time we should have. Not only can it open doors for us in the future but it can also expand our vision in many ways. Meaningful conversations can also be beneficial for your whole life. And information nowadays is key! So keep yourself to date, not only with news or social media but also with the real-world connections that you can make.
9. Travel
Sometimes travels need to be planned, but sometimes they don’t. If you are organized with your money, you will be able to do small trips that will be all you need. Yes, you can travel to another country, but who said that’s the only thing you can do? Sometimes there are places near you that you don’t even know yourself, and those places might be as beautiful as other countries you would visit! Take time to know other countries, but also take time to know the cities close to you, there is so much you can find, and you will be surprised by the beautiful places you have around you that you did not even know about it!