
4 Important Things No One Tells You!

Important Things No One Tells You

If you click on this blog post is because you want to know Important things that nobody knows.

You don’t want to know the common things, but you want to know something extra that will add to your life, and I get it! You are not alone!

Many people are very surprised when they hear me say:

‘’In this life, you have to always learn, even after you finish studying; you have to continue learning from the school of life’’.

It’s crazy because we tend to think we know everything, we know the best option, the best decision, and the best information, but quickly in life, we learn that we don’t know anything.

What I am truly saying is that we should always be willing to learn new things, do better, and be open to learning.

So, before you start reading this further, be prepared mentally, and in every aspect, because some things might surprise you too.

And guess what? I told you in advance, so don’t blame me!!

here we go…

4 Things No One Tells You

1. External Body VS Inner Body

This will completely go against science, but we have 2 bodies;
Yes, you heard me right, 2 BODIES!

We have one internal body and another external body.

Our external body everybody knows! Is what we use to go to work, and what we use to do the daily tasks. This is the body that we take care THE MOST!

We wake up, brush our teeth, brush our hair, take a shower, and put our clothes on.

Our external body is most likely always prepared and clean.
However, this is not the same for our internal body.

Our internal body is our feelings, our way of seeing a particular situation, what we feel when someone tells us off, what we feel when someone is attacking us, and our responses and reactions, all of this is part of our internal body.

And this is the body that is least looked at.

In life we go through tough situations; situations that can pull us down, and when we come back up (because we are strong and able to do so) we come back up with baggage, and this baggage is the ugliest thing anyone could see.

Now, think with me…

In life, we don’t only go through 1 bad experience, we go through many, and if each time we have to get ourselves up, how many baggage’s do we have if we don’t take care of our internal body?

Some people have baggage for years that hasn’t been dealt with.. and remember, this baggage’s are not there to do us any good!

We need to start taking care of our internal bodies the same way we take care of our external ones.

In the same way, we brush and clean our teeth, we need to clean our hearts as well, because sometimes our hearts are filled with things that are not good for us, feelings that are not good for us, malice, evil eyes, etc.

In the same way, we take a shower, we need to also take a shower in regards to our mind and some ideas we have that do not benefit us.

There are so many things in this life, that it is very hard to keep the pace with everything; we are so busy with so many things to do, that there are other things that truly we can skip.

However, we should never forget about this little world that is inside of us, that is the internal body.

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2. ‘’At Least I Did My Best!’’

This is one thing that everyone says, but let me tell you, it’s not GOOD.

Most of the time people use this phrase is to show they are the victim, or to show that they are not to blame, that the other person is to blame… No, No, No!

We have to understand that our best might indeed not be ‘’the best’’ at all!

Imagine a cleaner, that knows how to clean a house and that has been her job for years.

Also, think about a cleaner that has just started to work in that industry recently, she most likely will not know the ins and outs of cleaning, but she will most likely know the basics.

So when she starts cleaning, she thinks that she is cleaning well, because that’s all she knows. In her mind, she is doing her best.

However, the best she has at the moment is the best of someone who knows the basics. But the cleaner that has been working in the industry for years will 100% have more experience.

Based on this, is very normal for the experienced cleaner to spot something that the new cleaner has done wrong, and she might address it:

“You didn’t do this properly.”

If the new cleaner responds with:

“But I did my best”

GAME OVER. Is a statement that automatically stops you from progressing.

It stops you from trying to do better, it stops you from wanting to learn more!

If you are someone who wants to learn and wants to improve, develop, and be the best version of yourself, you can’t settle for less.

I have that same mentality at my workplace, I did not want to be someone who just come’s to work, does not add anything logs in, and logs out… like what?

NOOOOOOOOO. I know of my potential, I know I can do much more, so let me develop on what I can develop.

It comes to a point that is no longer about the pay you will receive, but it’s about the experience that you will get. And experience no one can take away from you.

Let me say it again:

When you have a mentality like that, you start to see opportunities that no one can see, and because of it, you will reach places that no one will imagine, but why?

Simply because you did something different, you went a different path, an extra mile.

So, do your best in everything, and look for ways and opportunities to do more, because that is the way we learn and develop.

3. Take Care Of Others

When you start to take care of your inner body daily, you will start to notice how hard it is compared to your external body.

You will start to see that a simple brushing of the teeth that takes 5 mins and does not require much effort, is not the same for the internal body, where you have to place a lot of effort:

  • It is hard to forgive, especially those who have done things wrong to you.
  • It is hard to admit you are wrong, because most people will just be proud about it.
  • It is hard to ignore that bad comment someone has said about you, and instead look to understand and see where you have gone wrong.
  • It is hard to let go of an idea you have, that has been harming you throughout the years
  • It is hard to change your way of being, to become a better person.
  • It is hard to change your daily habits to habits that will improve your life.

All of these things are hard! They are not easy, and that’s why people don’t do it.
Is rare to find those that do it because it’s hard.

But when you start to understand this, you do your best to take care of others, in a way that if you see that there is something that could destroy someone close to you, you will avoid it at all costs, because you understand how damage the inner body will be.

Silly things like someone speaking to you bad about your BFF, and you going and telling your BFF about it, is very unnecessary.

You know these 2 will start to hate each other, and you know how hate is not beneficial to someone’s inner body, so why do it?

Much better it would be for you to be quiet or for you to advise this friend to not speak bad about your BFF in your presence, then telling everything.

If it’s not a life or death situation, keep it to yourself, because it will not benefit anyone.

4. Repetition

There are some situations and problems that it seems that they are following us around. We might think that the problem is solved, but with no time or a few months, the problems come back again.

This might make us think:

“But why? Why am I facing this again?”

  • it can be a breakup
  • It can be a situation in the family
  • It can be even related to your financial life

only you will know the type of situation that seems like a Deja Vu.

This has nothing to do with situations where you might be in danger.

We have to understand that we are not always right, and maybe the way we are dealing with the situation is not correct; there might be something that we need to learn, but we did not, and that’s why we are going through the situation again.

Until we learn how to deal with certain situations, they will never disappear, they will only disappear when we learn the lesson.

So it is very important to keep on checking ourselves:

  • Was my reaction the best?
  • Why did I respond like that?
  • Why do I hate this person?
  • Why am I jealous?
  • Why am I not able to do what I plan?

If I don’t resolve these issues, they will become bigger issues that I have to deal with in the future. If I don’t spot them now, I will be facing the same thing over and over again without knowing ‘’why’’.

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