
12 Rules To Keep Your Life Simple

12 rules to keep your life simple

I’m super excited to share some of the rules that have helped me keep my life simple and stress-free. Trust me, life doesn’t have to be complicated, and these little habits can make a huge difference. So, here are my 15 rules that keep my life simple.

Let’s dive in!

Wake Up Early

Starting my day early gives me a peaceful head start.

You know when you wake up and you know you are already ahead of the game? Yeah, that’s one of the best feelings ever!

The quiet morning hours are perfect for reflection, planning, and indulging in activities I love.

When you wake up early, you give yourself the gift of time. You can savor your coffee, watch the sunrise, and set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Plus, studies show that early risers tend to be more proactive and have better mental health.

Have A Structure To Your Day

Life becomes messy and complicated when you don’t have anything to anchor you. From my own experience, I’ve found that having a simple and intentional structure to my day works wonders.

I break my day into mornings, afternoons, and evenings, and stick to a daily routine.

Having a simple daily routine to follow is not hard, and sticking to one isn’t hard actually.

A simple way I use to organize and structure my day is by following the 8-8-8 RULE. Feel free to check that out.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Not everything needs to be done at once. I prioritize my tasks and focus on what’s most important.

This way, I don’t feel overwhelmed, and I get things done efficiently. You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to decide which tasks are urgent and important, and which ones can be delegated or eliminated.

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a prioritization tool used to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

The matrix consists of 4 quadrants:

  • Urgent and Important: These will be tasks that are both urgent and important and require immediate attention. These are typically high-priority tasks that contribute directly to your goals or objectives.

Examples: Deadlines, important meetings, emergencies, etc.

  • Important but Not Urgent: Tasks in this section are important but not time-sensitive. These tasks contribute to your long-term goals and require proactive planning and execution.

Examples: Long-term projects, strategic planning, and personal development activities.

  • Urgent but Not Important: Tasks in this section are urgent but not necessarily important. These tasks often distract us from our priorities and can be delegated or eliminated altogether.

Examples: minor crises, emails, or phone calls.

  • Not Urgent and Not Important: Tasks in this section are neither urgent nor important and are often time-wasters. These tasks should be minimized or avoided whenever possible to free up time for more meaningful activities.

Example: trivial distraction, busy work, activities that don’t contribute to your goals.

This method helps me stay focused on my goals without getting sidetracked by less important tasks.

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Limit Screen Time

Screens can be such a time-sucker!

I try to limit my screen time, especially on social media. Instead, I spend that time doing things that make me happy and productive, like reading, writing, etc.

If you struggle with this, you can also use apps that track and limit your screen time, ensuring you spend your hours wisely.

Disconnecting from screens allows us to reconnect with the real world and the people around us.

Meal Prep

Prepping my meals in advance saves time and stress. Planning meals for the week and prep them over the weekend.

This way, you won’t have to worry about what to eat every day and end up eating healthier too.

You can also try to experiment with different recipes and create balanced meals that nourish your body. Plus, meal prepping reduces food waste and saves money.

Say No When Necessary

Learning to say no has been a game-changer for me. I used to take on too much and feel overwhelmed.

Now, I only commit to things that I truly want to do and that brings me joy. Saying no is about setting boundaries and protecting my time and energy.

It’s okay to prioritize yourself and your needs. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

However, know how to balance yourself. You shouldn’t be using the ‘’NO’’ for this that needs to be done or for lazy purposes, but use it wisely.

Don’t Engage in Gossip and Complaints

I try my best to avoid gossip and complaints.

They’re just toxic and don’t add anything positive to my life. Instead, I focus on gratitude and positive conversations.

It makes such a difference in my overall happiness. When others come to me with complaints, I listen but try not to add to the negativity.

I steer the conversation towards solutions or positive aspects. Practicing gratitude shifts my mindset and attracts more good things into my life.

Do Small Things With Love

When you fill yourself with joy, the more joyful life becomes. I’ve found that joy can come in small things, like being mindful and thankful while doing everyday tasks.

It’s a beautiful way to bring more love and joy into my life. Whether it’s washing dishes, folding laundry or preparing a meal, doing these tasks with love and mindfulness turns the mundane into something special. It reminds me to appreciate the little moments and find joy in everyday life.

Keep a Journal

Journaling helps me clear my mind and reflect on my thoughts and feelings.

It’s a great way to keep track of my goals and progress, and it’s also super therapeutic. I write about my experiences, emotions, and lessons learned.

Journaling provides a safe space to explore my thoughts and gain insights into myself. It’s a practice that brings clarity and peace to my mind.

Make Space For Silence

Silence is so important for connecting with my inner self. I practice meditation daily, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

It’s included in my morning routines or nights and helps me start my day with a clear and calm mind. Silence allows me to listen to my thoughts and feelings, and it’s in these quiet moments that I find clarity and peace.

I also enjoy listening to peaceful music, like instrumentals.

Spend Time In Nature

Nature has a way of grounding me and bringing me back to the present moment.

Whether it’s a walk in the park or just sitting in my backyard, spending time in nature is a simple yet powerful way to de-stress.

I love observing the beauty of the natural world, from the colors of the flowers to the sounds of birds chirping.

Nature reminds me of the simplicity and beauty of life, and it’s a great way to recharge my mind and body.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our lives.

I make it a point to spend time with people who uplift and inspire me. Positive energy is contagious, and it makes my life so much simpler and happier.

I seek out friends and mentors who encourage and support me, and I avoid those who bring negativity or drama.

Building a supportive and positive social circle is essential for a happy and simple life.

So there you have it, my 15 rules that keep my life simple. I hope you find them helpful and that this might inspire you to create a simple, more intentional life for yourself. Remember, it’s the small changes that make the biggest difference. Keep it simple, girls!


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