It’s so normal for everyone to be super excited when we enter a new year because a New Year tends to be related to having a “new start”, but how about entering a new month?
Even though New years it’s great for us to START, that does not impede us from STARTING again each month!
Since we have 12 months, we can focus on a different area of our life in these months. Your months will not be the same if you start to see each month as an opportunity for you to grow and learn.
So here will be a few things for you to start in a New Month:
1 – Feedback From Previous Month
For you to be able to move forward with more clarity you need to be able to see what has gone right and what has gone wrong in previous months.
Learning what you could have done better, is good for guidance.
Try to see if:
- You did what you wanted through the month
- Adjust what needs to be adjusted for the coming month
- Have time to check yourself and how you felt or thought during that month
As you need to check and feedback things you have done on the outside, you also need to identify what was good and bad from the inside; How you felt, how you dealt with a specific situation, etc..
Self-reflection is a MUST, as we are the main drivers of our life!
If we are not well, it will have a big impact on the outside, and we can even have a “car crush”.
You can be bad on the inside and pretend everything is okay on the outside. But if you’re inside it’s good, no way will not show itself on your outside.
2 – Choose something specific
Depending on the goals you have, your month should be divided by them.
I believe that having a main goal is important, however throughout the months, we shouldn’t just do things to achieve that one goal only, we should also focus on different areas of our life, so they will not be in lack.
If you focus too much on your financial life, but forget your love life – it will be a problem for you in the future.
Or if you focus too much on yourself, but not on your family – it will also be a problem in the future. So we all should be balanced throughout the year as well.
You can choose to focus on:
- Yourself
- Love life
- School
- Financial life/ Work
- Family
- Friends
- Your emotions
- Etc, etc.
3 – Organization
Now that you have chosen what to focus on for the coming month, you will have to organize your month with simple steps that will benefit your goal for the month.
It is completely up to you what it’s your best organizing method; some people like to brainstorm everything that goes into their mind onto a paper and then decide from there.
Others like to have a platform where they can digitally see their goals and the tasks they will have to do throughout the month.
Sometimes, it might be something more specific that needs to be accomplished that month, so they will have that in their mind until it’s completed.
Your organizing method depends on what are your tasks for the month. Some will be more “busy” than others, and that’s okay. As long as you have a clear vision in your mind of what you are going to do throughout the month.
4. Money in vs. money out
Believe it or not, this step can truly be a lifesaver for many people.
Some people don’t have control over their money, and the main reason for that is because there is a careless behavior of not checking where your money is going. With the technology we have today and how easy is for you to tap your card for a purchase, is very easy to spend.
So knowing each month if you abuse your spending power, is important. If you have a good credit card provider, it should be able to do that math for you, but if you don’t, you should be able to do that pretty quickly by going through your bank statements.
For those living in the UK, Monzo is a very good bank account that truly shows how much you spend that month. Truly recommend.
5. Additional
I was the type of person that I thought that when I finished university I didn’t have to study anymore or read. However, this is a lazy way of thinking.
You have to motivate yourself to always learn something new, you don’t know what life will bring your way, so being prepared is never going to do you any harm.
So throughout the months challenge yourself by either:
- reading a book
- Doing a course online
- Eating healthy/Cooking healthy
- Doing an activity outside of your routine
- Etc, etc.
I love to read books nowadays because you always learn something new with them, and it provides you with knowledge that can save your life.
6. Deep clean
If you live alone or together with someone else, this will be essential. Taking some time at the end of each month to clean your house, will set you right for the month coming.
This can be anything related to:
- Cleaning and organizing your freezer
- Clean your car
- Clean your daily bag
- Clean your workspace
- Put things you don’t need anymore in the bin
- Clean your email and unsubscribe emails you no longer want
- Unfollow anyone in your social media that is not adding to your life
- Remove apps you no longer use
- Delete photos you don’t like
- Delete files you don’t need
- Etc, etc
7. Gratitude
Always take some time to be thankful for what you have.
We as human beings are always concerned about things we don’t yet have (that’s the whole point for us to have goals, right?) but as much as is important for us to want things we don’t yet have, on the other hand, we should be very grateful for what we have already accomplished. Either big or small.
So take time to acknowledge what you have done well, and be grateful for the strength you have put in the previous month to make things change.